Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Geo Quiz #1: Continents and Oceans

Study Plate 1 in your Coloring Book. You may color it if you so choose (follow the directions--places on the map should be the same color as the bubble letters naming these places outside the map).

For the quiz you must be able to identify the following on a blank world map: North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Antarctica, Australia, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn.

Be careful with the spellings of 'Arctic' and Antarctica.' Students often misspell these.
Geo Quiz #1 will take place Tuesday, September 21.

A blank map of the Continents can be found here.

Geography Coloring Books

Many of you will be getting your Geography Coloring Books from your parents, who picked them up at Parent Orientation night. If you don't get a Coloring Book early, don't worry--you can pick up yours on the first day of school.

Please feel free to start reading and coloring in your books. Please first read the instructions at the beginning of the book called "How to Use and Color this Book." If you use colored ink pens, make sure they don't bleed through the page. If the ink bleeds through, please switch to colored pencils. Enjoy!

Summer Reading

If you didn't get the Summer Reading instructions at the beginning of the summer, don't worry! Simply record the books you read this summer in the manner explained in the instructions. If you haven't read a fantasy or realistic fiction book yet, don't worry, you'll have time to finish them. The writing portion will not be collected the first day of school. If you've already completed the writing portion, hang on to it, and I'll let you know when you'll be turning it in.

The Summer Reading instructions can be found here. The Summer Reading list can be found here.

Picture of Manchester (U.K.) bookworm made entirely of plants courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Welcome, New Students!

Welcome to Nova! I will be posting things here relevant to Geography, Language Arts, the Library, and other things that I find of interest. I will post due dates, assignment instructions, links to help with assignments, and news about chickens named after yours truly.

Have a great year, everybody!

Monday, August 23, 2010

More Mr. Gacek photos!

Guess what? Rosa also has a chicken named Mr. Gacek! Here is a picture of Rosa posing with my namesake.

August is Mr. Gacek's birthday month. Here she is sharing her birthday "cake" with her friends.

Thanks for the great photos, Rosa! If you want to see pictures of Mo's Mistergacek, you can find them here.