Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Golden Compass, Part I: Oxford

Read Part I: Oxford by Tuesday, November 13.  DO NOT READ PART 2!!!

Please type or print neatly on a separate sheet of paper.  Due Tuesday, November 13.

Vocabulary: Philip Pullman uses a rich vocabulary.  Record 3 interesting words which are English language words but are not commonly used words.  Record the page number on which you find the word.  Look up the word in a dictionary and record its definition.  Many words have multiple definitions.  Record the definition which best matches the usage used by Pullman.  Note: Pullman uses some words, like daemon, in a context new to the world he has created.  Do not use these words.

Reflection:  Give Part I a score out of 10 (10 being the highest).  Explain in at least one complete paragraph why you gave the book the score which you did.  Explain what worked and/or didn’t work in the book.  Refer to a specific passage from the book to illustrate your point (Do not quote the book—paraphrase what happens in a particular passage).  Be specific and descriptive when explaining why you liked or didn’t like the book.

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