Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Welcome to Gacekblog 2017

Gacekblog is a supplementary resource for Mr. Gacek's classes. You will find links and posts related to Geography, Politics, Literature, Soccer, Popular Culture, Kombucha, and various things Mr. Gacek finds interesting.

Gacekblog is not a homework blog. Homework due dates for Mr. Gacek's classes can be found on TeacherEase.

Welcome to NOVA!!

To learn more about the above map, click here.


  1. I lost the sheet that says what i need to put on my Map 7 caribbean map. I don't know what to put on it. Please help!!!

  2. hello? mr gacek, i have decicded to do my best and put what it hought belonged on the map.
